How to Train in a Busy Gym

Have you ever walked into your gym and it has been packed to the brim? Every machine, all the weights and lockers appear to be taken. This can happen from time to time. However, there are plenty of ways we can still get in an effective workout while sticking to the program.

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Gavin Lock
Gym Etiquette

I remember walking into a gym for the first time, looking around, wondering where do I go, what equipment do I use, who do I talk to. Below I have comprised a list from my own experiences of the top 10 tips for good gym etiquette.

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Gavin Lock
Training and Injuries

One thing I am grateful for is all the injuries I have had over the years. It has allowed me to be grateful of my body when it is at 100% capacity, but also grateful of the body’s ability to heal. It has also allowed me to become a lot more knowledgeable around injuries and rehab from personal experience, helping me relate to you. So, what happens if and when we get injured?

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Gavin Lock
Training with Sickness?

We have all been there, wondering if we should train when we are sick. Is it worth it? Will it make me feel worse? The main goal when you are sick is a speedy recovery so you can get back on track with life. However, it can be hard to gauge when you should or shouldn’t train and is perfectly normal to want to continue training, but should you? There are a number of factors that affect this decision.

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Gavin Lock
4 Stages of Change

In order to better understand how we can change for the better, we will explore the four stages of change. This model was originally designed for skill development but I have been able to apply it in my life with just about anything I want to improve; skills, habits, knowledge etc.

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Gavin Lock
Short Term Goals For Long Term Success

Breaking down long term goals into short term goals is imperative to your success. This means you can track your progress along the way and gain momentum as you work towards the end goal. Rather than setting a big goal with no idea on how to get there.

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Gavin Lock
Stress Relief Strategies

If you’re anything like me, you get stressed from time to time. Stress is not necessarily a bad thing but prolonged periods of high stress can have negative effects on our mood, immune system and sleep, among other things.

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Gavin Lock
Benchmarking Progress

Part of setting SMART goals is ensuring your goals are measurable. Measuring your progress is important for keeping you motivated. If we see that we are squatting an extra 5kg than a few weeks ago, or we have lost a few cm around our waist or we can run 100m in a quicker time, that makes us feel good and gives us another reason to continue to work towards our goal.

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Emma Hackett