Training with Sickness?

We have all been there, wondering if we should train when we are sick. Is it worth it? Will it make me feel worse? The main goal when you are sick is a speedy recovery so you can get back on track with life. However, it can be hard to gauge when you should or shouldn’t train and is perfectly normal to want to continue training, but should you? There are a number of factors that affect this decision.

When Should I train?

A good general rule is the ‘Above the Neck Rule.’ This dictates that you should be ok to train if your sickness is above the neck. If you have;

  • A mild cold

  • Runny Nose – Without accompanying symptoms (chest cough)

  • Slight sore throat

And you feel ok to train than by all means go for it. Keeping others in mind as you may be contagious.

When Shouldn’t I train?

Referring back to the ‘Above the Neck Rule.’ If your symptoms are below the neck, it generally means you shouldn’t train. This could include;

  • Fever or bad cough with phlegm

  • Stomach bug

  • Flu symptoms

  • A whole myriad of other infections/diseases

If you are not feeling up to the task, that is your body’s way of telling you to rest.

Modifying training when sick

Depending on the severity of your sickness/illness. You can modify your training or exercise if you are feeling ok to train but not with 100% energy. You could complete a lighter workout or mobility/stretching day at the gym. I recommend moving at least somewhat, aiming to get some fresh air and sun. This might mean you don’t smash out your 45-minute intense gym workout but instead, go for a light walk outside. Even some squats and arm circles or some gardening outside is better than nothing – if you can manage. This being said, if you are bedridden with a nasty bug, listen to your body and rest.

When should I Return to Training?

Returning to training is going to be based upon your symptoms and how you feel. Generally, with a cold, you will have a few nasty days and then start to get some energy back. You could return to training but at 70% and build it up from there. This is entirely up to you but remember that something is better than nothing.


When we fall sick, it is a sign that our body and mind need to rest and recover. You know your body best so feel it out and listen to it. If you know you need to take some time off to rest, then do so. If you feel you can still manage a gym session, then go smash it. If you can manage a walk around the block then do that.

Gavin Lock