Short Term Goals For Long Term Success

Do you ever feel like your goal is out of reach?

Breaking down long term goals into short term goals is imperative to your success. This means you can track your progress along the way and gain momentum as you work towards the end goal. Rather than setting a big goal with no idea on how to get there.

For example if your 6-month goal is to walk 10,000 steps every day, you will break that down into smaller goals to track your progress and make it easier to achieve. Generally, you won’t just start walking 10,000 steps per day out of nowhere and continue to keep it up as a habit. This is why we need to break down long term goals into monthly, weekly goals or even daily goals.

An example of breaking down the 10 000 steps per day could be as follows:

  • Walk 2000 steps per day

  • Walk 3000 steps per day

  • Walk 5000 steps per day

  • Walk 7000 steps per day

  • Walk 8500 steps per day

  • Walk 10 000 steps per day

Now we can set a weekly goal of 2000 steps per day. This is your starting point. Then we would figure out how to track this goal, how to reach this goal and to fit it into your lifestyle. Below is an example of how you could track, reach and fit this goal into your lifestyle.


  • Wear a Fitbit/Garmin or other wearable technology that tracks your steps

  • Wear a pedometer

  • Use your phone on walks if it tracks steps

How will you reach this goal/Fit in into your lifestyle:

  • Go for a 30 minute walk on my lunch break every day at work

  • Go for a 30 minute walk after dinner with my partner

  • Go for a 30 minute walk as soon as I wake up and listen to music

Figure out what works best with your own lifestyle and go from there. Once you have achieved the first small goal of 2000 steps, then aim to increase to 3000 steps per day, then to 5000 steps per day and so on until you have reached your big goal of 10,000 steps per day.

Nutrition Goal

Let’s look at this in the context of a nutrition goal. A quick example could be that you want to increase your vegetable intake and minimize high sugar foods.

Breaking that down could look like this:

  • Replace caloric beverages with water (e.g. fruit juice, coffee blends, fizzy drink)

  • Replace processed snacks with real food (e.g. handful of almonds and an apple instead of a muesli bar)

  • Add my favourite vegetable to lunch and dinner

  • Add 2 other vegetables I enjoy to dinner each night

If you have a goal you would like to discuss with me and figure out a plan on how to get there please reach out. I will work with you to help assist in this goal setting so we can plan a clearer pathway to helping you achieve your goal. Everyone has different life situations and so the path will be different for each of you.

Gavin Lock